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Here's a helpful timeline of world history.
10,000 BC -- Agricultural Revolution

4000 BC -- Birth of Written Language in Mesopotamia

3500 BC -- Invention of the Wheel in China & Sumeria

3500 BC -- Start of Numerals in Egypt

2600 BC -- Work begins on Great Pyramids

490-480 BC -- Greek-Persian Wars

551-479 BC -- Confucious -- Caesar Assasinated

31 BC -- Battle of Actiom

4 BC -- Jesus born

79 AD -- Mt Vesuvius erupted

214 -- Work began on Great Wall

221 -- Ch'in Dynasty started

328-333 -- Byzantium Became Constantinople

332 -- Alexander the Great

384 -- Aristotle

427 -- Plato

476 -- Rome fell to Goths/Dark Ages began

542 -- Black Death ravaged Europe

570 -- Mohammed born

732 -- Battle of Tours

768 -- Charlemagne became King of Franks

800 -- Charlemagne as Holy Roman Emperor

850 -- Chinese developed gunpowder

982 -- Erik the Red discovered Greenland

1000 -- Leif Ericsson landed in North America

1054 -- The Great Schism of Western & Eastern Christianity

1066 -- William the Conqueror

1096 -- First Crusade began

1215 -- Magna Carta signed by King John

1233 -- First Inquisition

1254-1325 -- Marco Polo

1276 -- Mongols conquer China

1350-1450 -- Renaissance began

1452-1519 -- Leonardo DaVinci

1460's -- Guttenburg Bible/ Printing Press

1337 -- Hundred Years War

1475-1564 -- Michaelangelo

1483-1546 -- Martin Luther

1492 -- Columbus discovers New World

1508-1512 -- Michelangelo paint Sistine Chapel

1517 -- Martin Luther's 95 Theses/Protestant Reformation

1519-1521 -- Magellan circumnavigated the Earth

1534 -- Henry 8th broke with Rome (Pope)

1543 -- Copernicus Publisizes Theory of Solar Sysytem

1591 -- Shakespeare

1610 -- Gallileo invented telescope

1588 -- Spanish Armada Destroyed

1619 -- First Slaves in the American Colonies

1620 -- Pilgrims came to New World on the Mayflower

1687 -- Neton publishes Principia

1750-1850 -- Industrial Revolution

1763- -- French & Indian War

1768-1779 -- Capt. Cook

1776 -- Wealth of Nations published

1776-1783 -- Declaration of Independence/Ame. Rev.

1788 -- Constitution Ratified

1789 -- French Revolution

1803 -- Louisianna Purchase

1803-- Lewis & Clark Expidition Begins

1804 -- Steam Locomotive

1805 -- Muhammed Ali goes to Egypt

1815 -- Napolean defeated

1824? -- Singapore founded

1832 -- Revolutions in Europe

1840's -- Irish Potato Famine

1840-1841 -- Opium War

1841 -- Brittish create Hong Kong

1848 -- Revolutions in Europe

1850's -- Italian Unification

1854 -- Commodore Perry opened Japan to the West

1859 -- Darwin published Origin of the Species

1860's -- German Unification

1861-1865 -- Civil War

1863 -- Suez Canal

1865 -- Lincoln Assasinated, Mendel's Laws of Genetics

1866 -- Transatlantic Cable

1868 -- Magi Restoration

1869 -- Transcontinental Railroad Completed

1876 -- Electrification began with the telephone

1898 -- Maine sinks/Spanish American War begins

1900 -- Boxer Rebellion

1903 -- Wright Brothers fly at Kitty Hawk, NC

1904-1905 -- Russo-Japanese War

1908 -- Ford launches the Model T

1911 -- Chinese Republic founded

1912 -- Titanic Disaster

1913 -- Refrigeration

1914 -- Arch Duke Franz Ferdinand Assasinated/Great War began

1915 -- Einstein publisheed Theory of Relativity

1917 -- United States entered WW I

1917-1921 -- Russian Revolution/Civil War

1928 -- Penicillan

1929 -- Stock Market Crashed/Great Depression began

1933 -- Hitler comes to power

1947 -- Indian Partition

1948 -- Israel founded

1949 -- Communists took over China

1954 -- Brown vs. Board of Education

1955 -- Polio Vaccine

1957 -- Sputnik

1963 -- Kennedy Assasinated

1964 -- Civil Rights Act

1969 -- Man "landed on Moon"

1972 -- Watergate

1989 -- Fall of the Berlin Wall

1997 -- Hong Kong reverted to Chinese Rule